Equine Therapeutic Riding Minor
Equine Therapeutic Riding Overview
Therapeutic riding is an equine activity for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of individuals with special needs. Therapeutic riding provides benefits in the areas of health, education, sport and recreation and leisure. A foundation of logic and reasoning is embedded within the minor to encourage students to step outside the “box’ to develop a strategic plan of action for each client.
What you will learn:
- Demonstrate knowledge of principles and the application of those principles to equine management systems.
- Model personal and professional conduct consistent with best practices within the equine industry.
- Gather, assimilate, and express the equine species’ science, care, and husbandry.
Equine Internships
We assist you in finding educational internships for the summer and during school breaks. Previous internships have included work at breeding farms, lesson and show barns, and summer camps. Internships are a valuable learning tool and we strongly encourage students to take advantage of this experience even before you begin your college education.
What is Equine Therapeutic Riding and what can you do with it?
Equine therapeutic riding is a treatment method that uses horses to enhance physical or emotional well-being. Careers in the equine industry are diverse in nature and requirements. Combined with majors in the sciences or the arts, a minor in equine therapeutic riding would provide you the opportunity to pursue careers in:
- Equine therapy
- Equine research
- Equine services specialist
- Barn managers
- College teaching
- Horse publications
- Stable and lesson coordinator
- Therapeutic riding instructor
What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. The LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, including a writing center, tutoring, college success courses and more.